Big Fat Book: 'War and Peace' Week 7

Another week, another 50 pages. I'm languishing in War and Peace purgatory. As a seasoned veteran of reading this book, I have three important pieces of advice:

1. Never take a break. You will inevitably lose momentum and possibly even start reading other things you like better. If you truly need a respite from your long novel, try catching up back issues of The New Yorker.

2. Beethoven is the best and really the only appropriate background music while reading War and Peace. Try the Egmont Overture for the "War" and the piano concertos for the "Peace." Anything he dedicated to Napoleon is also a good choice.

3. Don't even do the mental math to calculate your finish date. Long ago I figured I'd finish in ten weeks at the rate I was reading; now at Week 7, I really regret ever getting that idea in my head. It's over when it's over, and no matter how long it takes, it's an accomplishment.